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Thank Gut It’s Fixed

Food Sensitivity Testing and Symptoms: 8 Things You Need To Know

Food Sensitivity Testing and Symptoms: 8 Things You Need To Know

Do I have a food sensitivity? Which food sensitivity testing is best? What are the symptoms of a food sensitivity? “My doctor tested me and everything came back negative.” Or, I got tested for food sensitivity but it didn’t work or I react to everything and didn’t know what to eat.” I get these questions or comments […]

Food Sensitivity Testing and Symptoms: 8 Things You Need To Know Read More »

What Causes Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

What Causes Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

What causes heartburn and acid reflux? In this episode of the Thank Gut It’s Fixed Show, I will be discussing the root cause or underlying cause of heartburn and acid reflux. And it’s not what you think or have been told for many years. It’s not the acid. It actually has more to do with

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Heal Leaky Gut with these 4 Simple Quick Start Steps

Heal Leaky Gut with these 4 Simple Quick Start Steps

How to heal leaky gut? In this episode of Thank Gut It’s Fixed Show, I discuss 5 things to do to heal leaky gut. Keep in mind that the best plan is not the plan touted by the best doctor. It’s the plan the addresses the root cause(s) for YOU. We are all different. The best plan

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Why is the Gut Truly Important? Restore Your Health Show Episode 1

Why is the Gut Truly Important? Restore Your Health Show Episode 1

It seems that everyone is talking about gut health lately. Leaky gut, pre-biotics, probiotics, wheat, celiac, gluten, bacteria, gut flora, and many more gut-related terms are popping everywhere. What do all these mean? How do they relate to your health? Before we get into all these topics and the main topic of gut health, the first thing

Why is the Gut Truly Important? Restore Your Health Show Episode 1 Read More »