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Thyroid Health

Naturally Stimulate the Vagus Nerve for Better Digestion

Naturally Stimulate the Vagus Nerve for Better Digestion

What is the Vagus Nerve? The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body stemming from the base of the brain and extending through the spinal cord all the way to the large intestine. It’s known as the “wandering nerve” because it carries signals between the brain, heart, lungs, and digestive system. It’s bi-directional; […]

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Are Food Sensitivity Tests Accurate and Worth It?

Are Food Sensitivity Tests Accurate and Worth It?

Do you suspect that certain foods make you feel sick, fatigued, or your skin break out? Food sensitivity tests can speed up the process of identifying your food triggers, but are they accurate and worth it? Food sensitivity can impact 40 to 70% of the population. While not acute and potentially fatal like food allergies,

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What Causes Bloating? 4 Uncovered Digestive Problems

What Causes Bloating? 4 Uncovered Digestive Problems

If you have bloating, you’ve probably looked up what causes bloating and eliminated certain foods from your diet. You may have even tried supplements or remedies that relieve bloating fast. While some of these strategies may have reduced your pain and discomfort, they don’t explain why your problem even started. Why can’t you tolerate certain

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Functional and Integrative Nutrition: The Truth

Functional and Integrative Nutrition: The Truth

What is functional nutrition? What is integrative nutrition? What’s the difference between functional nutrition and functional medicine? I answer these questions, and share why functional nutrition should be the only way you approach your health to prevent chronic diseases, delay aging, have energy and vitality, and live a life that you absolutely love. What is

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Bloating, Indigestion, Constipation, and Thyroid

Bloating, Indigestion, Constipation, and Thyroid

In this post, I talk about the connection between thyroid and gut health. Bloating, indigestion, and constipation can be caused by a slow thyroid function (hypothyroid). Low stomach enzymes or acid, gut infections, leaky gut, and dysbiosis can lead to hypothyroid issues (both production and activation of thyroid hormones and autoimmune thyroid issue, Hashimoto’s). One

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Constipation Relief with Diet

Constipation Relief with Diet

What’s Constipation? Before talking about constipation relief remedies, let’s talk about what makes a healthy bowel movement. Most people think of how often they go. And even when they do, many don’t know what normal or healthy frequency is. I’ve come across patients who have, all their life, had 1 or 2 bowel movements a

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Food Sensitivity Testing and Symptoms: 8 Things You Need To Know

Food Sensitivity Testing and Symptoms: 8 Things You Need To Know

Do I have a food sensitivity? Which food sensitivity testing is best? What are the symptoms of a food sensitivity? “My doctor tested me and everything came back negative.” Or, I got tested for food sensitivity but it didn’t work or I react to everything and didn’t know what to eat.” I get these questions or comments

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How to Reduce Heartburn and Acid Reflux

How to Reduce Heartburn and Acid Reflux

This article discusses how to reduce heartburn and acid reflux from a comprehensive functional nutrition approach. It also explains the root causes of heartburn and acid reflux, and the important role that stomach acid plays in digestion, fighting gut infections, and reducing heartburn. Disclaimer: The purpose of this article and video are purely educational. Do

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