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Thank Gut It’s Fixed

H Pylori: How to Test and the best Diet and Treatment

H Pylori: How to Test and the best Diet and Treatment

H Pylori is bacteria that can grow in the stomach. Infection rates vary between 20-50% of people and up to 80% in certain countries. It’s a helix-shaped bacteria that can drill through and burrow in the lining of the stomach. The problem with H Pylori is that it thins out the lining of the stomach lining, causing atrophy (or damage) and inflammation. This makes your stomach sensitive to hydrochloric acid, enzymes, and gastric juices even though you need them for proper digestion.

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3 Findings in your Colonoscopy Result you Can Fix with Food

3 Findings in your Colonoscopy Result you Can Fix with Food

Did your colonoscopy result come back showing that everything “normal” even though you still have pain, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation? Or, were you told that you have diverticular disease or inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s or colitis? In this post and video, I share insights on what you can do using food and nutritional therapies

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Are Food Sensitivity Tests Accurate and Worth It?

Are Food Sensitivity Tests Accurate and Worth It?

Do you suspect that certain foods make you feel sick, fatigued, or your skin break out? Food sensitivity tests can speed up the process of identifying your food triggers, but are they accurate and worth it? Food sensitivity can impact 40 to 70% of the population. While not acute and potentially fatal like food allergies,

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Histamine Intolerance: Linking Confusing Uncomfortable Symptoms

Histamine Intolerance: Linking Confusing Uncomfortable Symptoms

Histamine Intolerance may be the link between your confusing and uncomfortable symptoms. If you have headaches, migraines, anxiety, skin itchiness, eczema, congestion, post nasal drip, sudden sweating, stomach pain, diarrhea, or others that you or your doctors haven’t been able to resolve, it’s possible that histamine is the problem. What is Histamine Histamine is a

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Gut Dysbiosis Causes, Symptoms, Testing, and Treatment

Gut Dysbiosis Causes, Symptoms, Testing, and Treatment

Gut dysbiosis means there’s an imbalance between good and bad microbes. This imbalance can lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhea, gastritis, colitis, and other conditions you may have not linked to your digestive tract like fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases. This article talks about dysbiosis causes, symptoms, how to test for dysbiosis, and how

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What Causes Bloating? 4 Uncovered Digestive Problems

What Causes Bloating? 4 Uncovered Digestive Problems

If you have bloating, you’ve probably looked up what causes bloating and eliminated certain foods from your diet. You may have even tried supplements or remedies that relieve bloating fast. While some of these strategies may have reduced your pain and discomfort, they don’t explain why your problem even started. Why can’t you tolerate certain

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Lactose Intolerance or Milk Allergy? Causes and Solutions

Lactose Intolerance or Milk Allergy? Causes and Solutions

Do you have lactose intolerance or dairy allergy or sensitivity? I get questions all the time about the difference between the two. Sometimes, my patients tell me that they are lactose intolerant, but after clarifying few things, we discover that it’s most likely a milk allergy or sensitivity, not lactose issues. In the last episode

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Unexpected Healthy Foods that Cause Bloating and Gas

Unexpected Healthy Foods that Cause Bloating and Gas

There are many foods that cause bloating and gas including healthy ones like garlic, onion, apples, mushroom, avocado and others. In this episode and blog post, I talk about how these foods cause bloating, the consequences of that, what bloating means for your gut health, and what to do about it. I also discuss the

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Food Sensitivity vs Allergy: Important Information To Know

Food Sensitivity vs Allergy: Important Information To Know

Food sensitivity vs allergy is often a misunderstood and overlooked topic. If you have painful digestive issues, headaches, migraines, pain, fatigue, brain fog, or other nagging symptoms, you may have wondered if you’re reacting to certain foods. In this episode of Thank Gut It’s Fixed Show, I compare food sensitivities and allergies so you’re more informed when you

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Intermittent Fasting: New Approach for Weight and Fat Loss

Intermittent Fasting: New Approach for Weight and Fat Loss

Intermittent fasting is a topic that has been gaining a lot of attention lately. What is it? How do you do it? Can intermittent fasting help you lose weight and fat? How does it relate to gut health? These questions are answered on this episode of the Thank Gut It’s Fixed show. You should eat

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