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Naturally Stimulate the Vagus Nerve for Better Digestion

Naturally Stimulate the Vagus Nerve for Better Digestion

What is the Vagus Nerve? The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body stemming from the base of the brain and extending through the spinal cord all the way to the large intestine. It’s known as the “wandering nerve” because it carries signals between the brain, heart, lungs, and digestive system. It’s bi-directional; […]

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3 Findings in your Colonoscopy Result you Can Fix with Food

3 Findings in your Colonoscopy Result you Can Fix with Food

Did your colonoscopy result come back showing that everything “normal” even though you still have pain, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation? Or, were you told that you have diverticular disease or inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s or colitis? In this post and video, I share insights on what you can do using food and nutritional therapies

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Histamine Intolerance: Linking Confusing Uncomfortable Symptoms

Histamine Intolerance: Linking Confusing Uncomfortable Symptoms

Histamine Intolerance may be the link between your confusing and uncomfortable symptoms. If you have headaches, migraines, anxiety, skin itchiness, eczema, congestion, post nasal drip, sudden sweating, stomach pain, diarrhea, or others that you or your doctors haven’t been able to resolve, it’s possible that histamine is the problem. What is Histamine Histamine is a

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Gut Dysbiosis Causes, Symptoms, Testing, and Treatment

Gut Dysbiosis Causes, Symptoms, Testing, and Treatment

Gut dysbiosis means there’s an imbalance between good and bad microbes. This imbalance can lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhea, gastritis, colitis, and other conditions you may have not linked to your digestive tract like fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases. This article talks about dysbiosis causes, symptoms, how to test for dysbiosis, and how

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What Causes Bloating? 4 Uncovered Digestive Problems

What Causes Bloating? 4 Uncovered Digestive Problems

If you have bloating, you’ve probably looked up what causes bloating and eliminated certain foods from your diet. You may have even tried supplements or remedies that relieve bloating fast. While some of these strategies may have reduced your pain and discomfort, they don’t explain why your problem even started. Why can’t you tolerate certain

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Unexpected Healthy Foods that Cause Bloating and Gas

Unexpected Healthy Foods that Cause Bloating and Gas

There are many foods that cause bloating and gas including healthy ones like garlic, onion, apples, mushroom, avocado and others. In this episode and blog post, I talk about how these foods cause bloating, the consequences of that, what bloating means for your gut health, and what to do about it. I also discuss the

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Acid Reflux Medications Long Term Side Effects and Safety

Acid Reflux Medications Long Term Side Effects and Safety

Acid reflux medications are among the most prescribed in the United States with sales that reached $10 billion in 2012. Sadly, these medications have unexpected side effects and safety concerns, including bacterial infections, bone fracture, and serious vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Acid Reflux Medications Types   Acid neutralizing, like Tums or Selzer   H2 receptor blockers, like

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Delicious Chimichurri Flank Steak Recipe the Entire Family Will Enjoy

Delicious Chimichurri Flank Steak Recipe the Entire Family Will Enjoy

Being on a restricted diet for health reasons can sometimes make you feel left out, or that there aren’t any delicious food options to enjoy. This recipe republished from my new book, The Complete Acid Reflux Diet Plan, Easy Meal Plans and Recipes to Heal GERD and LPR, shows you that this is far from being true.

Delicious Chimichurri Flank Steak Recipe the Entire Family Will Enjoy Read More »

Food Sensitivity Testing and Symptoms: 8 Things You Need To Know

Food Sensitivity Testing and Symptoms: 8 Things You Need To Know

Do I have a food sensitivity? Which food sensitivity testing is best? What are the symptoms of a food sensitivity? “My doctor tested me and everything came back negative.” Or, I got tested for food sensitivity but it didn’t work or I react to everything and didn’t know what to eat.” I get these questions or comments

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What Causes Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

What Causes Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

What causes heartburn and acid reflux? In this episode of the Thank Gut It’s Fixed Show, I will be discussing the root cause or underlying cause of heartburn and acid reflux. And it’s not what you think or have been told for many years. It’s not the acid. It actually has more to do with

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