
Intermittent Fasting: New Approach for Weight and Fat Loss

Intermittent Fasting: New Approach for Weight and Fat Loss

Intermittent fasting is a topic that has been gaining a lot of attention lately. What is it? How do you do it? Can intermittent fasting help you lose weight and fat? How does it relate to gut health? These questions are answered on this episode of the Thank Gut It’s Fixed show. You should eat […]

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Delicious and Nutritious Kebab Hindi Recipe For Gut Health

Delicious and Nutritious Kebab Hindi Recipe For Gut Health

This kebab Hindi dish is original to the Levant area (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine). While it’s called kebab hindi, an Arabic name that translates to Indian kebab, the person who invented or named it clearly has not been to India or learned Indian cuisine as it has nothing to do with Indian food! I just kept

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18 Quick, Easy, and Delicious No-Bread Breakfasts To Try

18 Quick, Easy, and Delicious No-Bread Breakfasts To Try

Being a mom of three, I am always on the hunt for a quick and easy breakfast. However sometimes it’s difficult to think of recipes that are no-bread, healthy, and not to mention quick. I sat down and developed 18 of my favorite, quick, on-the-go, no-bread breakfast recipes and I am so excited to share

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