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Naturally Stimulate the Vagus Nerve for Better Digestion

Naturally Stimulate the Vagus Nerve for Better Digestion

What is the Vagus Nerve? The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body stemming from the base of the brain and extending through the spinal cord all the way to the large intestine. It’s known as the “wandering nerve” because it carries signals between the brain, heart, lungs, and digestive system. It’s bi-directional; […]

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3 Findings in your Colonoscopy Result you Can Fix with Food

3 Findings in your Colonoscopy Result you Can Fix with Food

Did your colonoscopy result come back showing that everything “normal” even though you still have pain, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation? Or, were you told that you have diverticular disease or inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s or colitis? In this post and video, I share insights on what you can do using food and nutritional therapies

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Gut Dysbiosis Causes, Symptoms, Testing, and Treatment

Gut Dysbiosis Causes, Symptoms, Testing, and Treatment

Gut dysbiosis means there’s an imbalance between good and bad microbes. This imbalance can lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhea, gastritis, colitis, and other conditions you may have not linked to your digestive tract like fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases. This article talks about dysbiosis causes, symptoms, how to test for dysbiosis, and how

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Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: the New Gut Problem

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: the New Gut Problem

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a digestive imbalance where bacteria is present in the small intestine. The problem with SIBO isn’t that the bacteria is pathogenic. Rather, it’s the accumulation of bacteria in the wrong place. In a healthy scenario, the majority of your gut flora and bacteria populates the large intestines. For several reasons that

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Reasons to Embrace a Dairy Free Diet

Whether you should eat dairy is a controversial topic. A simple Internet search will yield articles upon articles citing studies and expert–and non-expert–opinion supporting each side of the claim. Eating dairy can be bad for you, but it can also be good for you. The purpose of this article is to list reasons why you

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