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Autoimmune Health

Histamine Intolerance: Linking Confusing Uncomfortable Symptoms

Histamine Intolerance: Linking Confusing Uncomfortable Symptoms

Histamine Intolerance may be the link between your confusing and uncomfortable symptoms. If you have headaches, migraines, anxiety, skin itchiness, eczema, congestion, post nasal drip, sudden sweating, stomach pain, diarrhea, or others that you or your doctors haven’t been able to resolve, it’s possible that histamine is the problem. What is Histamine Histamine is a […]

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Gut Dysbiosis Causes, Symptoms, Testing, and Treatment

Gut Dysbiosis Causes, Symptoms, Testing, and Treatment

Gut dysbiosis means there’s an imbalance between good and bad microbes. This imbalance can lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhea, gastritis, colitis, and other conditions you may have not linked to your digestive tract like fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases. This article talks about dysbiosis causes, symptoms, how to test for dysbiosis, and how

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Food Sensitivity vs Allergy: Important Information To Know

Food Sensitivity vs Allergy: Important Information To Know

Food sensitivity vs allergy is often a misunderstood and overlooked topic. If you have painful digestive issues, headaches, migraines, pain, fatigue, brain fog, or other nagging symptoms, you may have wondered if you’re reacting to certain foods. In this episode of Thank Gut It’s Fixed Show, I compare food sensitivities and allergies so you’re more informed when you

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Don’t Lose Hope or Settle for Less: And Here’s Why

Don’t Lose Hope or Settle for Less: And Here’s Why

Don’t Lose Hope or Settle for Less when it Comes to Your Health. Episode 14 of Thank Gut It’s Fixed Show… (if you like this episode, like it on Facebook, share it, tag a friend, and/or write me a comment!)  In this episode, I’m sharing some of the frustrations that some of my clients and

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Autoimmune Diet and Fast, Simple Ways To Get Started

Autoimmune Diet and Fast, Simple Ways To Get Started

What’s the best autoimmune diet? There are many ways to approach autoimmune diseases and several autoimmune diets. In this article, I share 5 options to start with, the individualized autoimmune diet I use with my patients, and a key point to must do right if you want to your autoimmune disorder into remission. Autoimmune Disorders

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Food Sensitivity Testing and Symptoms: 8 Things You Need To Know

Food Sensitivity Testing and Symptoms: 8 Things You Need To Know

Do I have a food sensitivity? Which food sensitivity testing is best? What are the symptoms of a food sensitivity? “My doctor tested me and everything came back negative.” Or, I got tested for food sensitivity but it didn’t work or I react to everything and didn’t know what to eat.” I get these questions or comments

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What Causes Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

What Causes Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

What causes heartburn and acid reflux? In this episode of the Thank Gut It’s Fixed Show, I will be discussing the root cause or underlying cause of heartburn and acid reflux. And it’s not what you think or have been told for many years. It’s not the acid. It actually has more to do with

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Heal Leaky Gut with these 4 Simple Quick Start Steps

Heal Leaky Gut with these 4 Simple Quick Start Steps

How to heal leaky gut? In this episode of Thank Gut It’s Fixed Show, I discuss 5 things to do to heal leaky gut. Keep in mind that the best plan is not the plan touted by the best doctor. It’s the plan the addresses the root cause(s) for YOU. We are all different. The best plan

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Reasons to Embrace a Dairy Free Diet

Whether you should eat dairy is a controversial topic. A simple Internet search will yield articles upon articles citing studies and expert–and non-expert–opinion supporting each side of the claim. Eating dairy can be bad for you, but it can also be good for you. The purpose of this article is to list reasons why you

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