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Fresh Green Garbanzo Beans…Middle Eastern Street Food, New US Food Trend

Fresh Green Garbanzo Beans…Middle Eastern Street Food, New US Food Trend

Fresh green garbanzo beans–called hamleh in Arabic–are one of spring must-haves in Jordan. What I like about the Middle East and miss sometimes in the US, is that you don’t have to go out of your way to eat seasonal. It’s normal, common sense, and what everyone does. Some foods are available all year long,

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Bulgur: An Overlooked Healthy Grain-Food…and Bulger Pilaf Recipe

Bulgur: An Overlooked Healthy Grain-Food…and Bulger Pilaf Recipe

The bulgur pilaf is a recipe from my mom, who got it from her sister, who got it from her Lebanese mother-in-law. I’ve never had bulgur traditionally other than in tabbouleh or kubbeh, but this is supposed to be common in Lebanon. Learn how to identify the REAL causes of your gut problems. Download My

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