Reflecting on 2012

2012 was a good year. Many ups and downs of course. I’m remembering more of the good stuff. In 2011, I started working with a life coach. Motherhood, childbirth, graduate school, my desire to spend time with family and friends, and my need to help people through my nutrition knowledge and experience were more than I could handle alone. I needed help, and I’m glad I reached out. Coaching was a journey. It took a year to reach my goals; to be happy, to focus on what and who matter the most, and to dump guilt (if you’re a mother, you know what I mean).

The reason I brought coaching up is because it had an impact on everything in 2012. The mere fact that I’m remembering the good stuff is an accomplishment. I’m not naturally a positive person. Yet, with the help of my coaching, I’ve trained myself to think and act like one. I learned about the positivity ratio: for every one negative, think of 3 positives to counter it.

2012 marks the year of not waiting. The biggest life lesson is that I don’t need to wait until the time or situation is perfect to reach what I want. If I hadn’t tried, I would be spending the next 12 months waiting, preparing, over-preparing, and over-thinking. I’d have missed on all the opportunities and experiences–good and bad–that taught me invaluable life and professional lessons.

I’m not writing New Years Resolutions for 2013. Rather, I’m writing of list of things I want to do. I like lists and I like to scratch accomplishments. Some of the things on my personal list are to go canoeing, take the kids hiking, and go to Mecca for Hajj.

The best way to predict your future is to create it. I’m going to do exactly that.

I’m an extrovert, yet a private person. I’m sharing with you some of my reflections and accomplishments for 2012.


  1. Dumped the guilt. I’m a good mom. I’m enough. I’m the best mom for my kids just being me.
  2. Feeling content and happily embracing my roles and responsibilities. Through coaching, I set my priorities right. I know my values–in order–and learned how to combine them to maximize the 24 hours I have in a day. For example, health and family are two of my values, and when I cook with my kids, I combine both. I’m teaching my kids an important life skill, we’re laughing and counting, all while preparing healthy meals and snacks.
  3. Traveled overseas and enjoyed amazing time with my family. My parents and siblings mean the world to me, and I’m also close to my extended family. I’m so thankful for being able to travel and be with them. Flying with 2 kids in a 20+ trip is an achievement!

    Can you guess who she is?
  4. Re-connected with high school friends. It had been 2 years since I saw my high school friends. We live in 4 different countries, now all married with kids. Who doesn’t like reminiscing about fun high school days?
  5. Took the kids to their first Hokies Game! Khaled now knows what ‘key’ play is 🙂
  6. Took kids paddle boating for the first time. Got rained on and completely soaked. I stocked up my car with extra clothes, blankets, and emergency kit the next day. (lesson: always be more prepared than you think you need)
  8. Suffered through my first flu that took 3 weeks for my energy to get back to normal. How’s that good? I’m more thankful for good health and I discovered pho!
  9. Reached my pre-pregnancy weight and have the least body fat percent in my life ever.
  10. Went zip-lining with a bunch of amazing friends.
  11. Traveled to San Diego California (A-MAZING Place) and met up with EA Stewart, the Spicy RD.
  12. Started blender-juicing. We all love it. I have a recipe to share soon.
  13. Completed many house projects–closet organizing, picture framing, curtain handing, etc.

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  1. Finished grad school! (what a relief)
  2. Launched my private practice: I finally did it. A dream in the making for 4 years.
  3. Found my Nutritionist passion and have an elevator speech!
  4. Became a Certified LEAP Therapist and everything it taught me about gut health, immunity, and food sensitivities. (And I’m always still learning)
  5. Studied–and continue to do–functional nutrition. I’ve joined the Dietitians in Functional Medicine Group, attending The Integrative Health Symposium in February, signed up to Functional Medicine Updates. This one is an accomplishment and a goal for 2013 as well–learning never stops.
  6. Learned low FODMAPs diet and already used it to help clients. It’s rewarding to help someone flip their life with better nutrition!
  7. Attended FNCE and met up with many amazing RDs there–including Ellie Krieger.
  8. Designed a 12-week group weight loss program
  9. Was interviewed for Jordanian TV talk shows and on NPR Tell Me More on healthy eating and weight gain during Ramadan

I hope 2012 was a good year for you too and I hope the list inspires you to make 2013 even a better one.


Nour’s guidance and expertise was the key to dramatically halting our son’s [Crohn’s] disease progression! His pediatric gastroenterologist is now in agreement of our choice to treat solely with diet and supplements. All his labs have improved and his inflammatory markers are so low they are practically nonexistent.

Before working with Nour, I experienced intestinal pain off and on for for 54 years with minimal success on medications. I have benefited 100% from Nour’s program as I am now pain free!

A lot of time and money was wasted on foods that I thought would help my digestive struggles [diarrhea, bloating, hunger], but in fact I was making it worse. The main benefit is getting a handle on what negatively affects my digestive symptom. Doing a total 180 to my eating habits has been pretty amazing.

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