Recipe: Cold Pasta Casserole–For Those Summer Days

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Ruba wrote me a comment few days ago asking for cooling main dish recipes for this hot summer.

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This is the first one I thought of, made with yogurt. I really believe yogurt is one of those foods that you have to have in your kitchen 24/7 in the summer.


  • 2 cups uncooked whole wheat elbow pasta
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 lb lean ground beef
  • 1/2 tsp all spice
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper (or more if you like)
  • 2-3 c plain yogurt
  • 1 small garlic clove, minced
  • 1/2 c chopped parsley (or more if you like)

Cook the pasta according to package instructions.

Saute the onions in a saucepan with some oil. Add the ground beef and cook until juices run clear. Season with the pepper, all spice, and cinnamon.

In a small bowl, mix the garlic with the yogurt. Season with very little salt.

To assemble the meal, mix half the amount of the meat with all the pasta and all the yogurt. Spread in a casserole dish. Top with the remaining amount of meat. Garnish with parsley.

Serve immediately or store in your fridge and serve later cold. Since this dish doesn’t have any vegetables, I always make salad on the side.

Isn’t this a great recipe for when you have no time to make dinner? You can prepare it the night before, store it, and eat the next day. Awesome!

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Nour’s guidance and expertise was the key to dramatically halting our son’s [Crohn’s] disease progression! His pediatric gastroenterologist is now in agreement of our choice to treat solely with diet and supplements. All his labs have improved and his inflammatory markers are so low they are practically nonexistent.

Before working with Nour, I experienced intestinal pain off and on for for 54 years with minimal success on medications. I have benefited 100% from Nour’s program as I am now pain free!

A lot of time and money was wasted on foods that I thought would help my digestive struggles [diarrhea, bloating, hunger], but in fact I was making it worse. The main benefit is getting a handle on what negatively affects my digestive symptom. Doing a total 180 to my eating habits has been pretty amazing.

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