Recap on Food, Health, and Fitness Trends

I can’t believe August is over! For the past month, I have been posting on trends in food, health, and fitness as part of my theme for Healthbuzz.

Today, I wanted to do a recap to highlight some things I talked about, and other things I wanted to but didn’t get a chance to do so.

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Fitness is in:

I didn’t talk much about trends in fitness. I do exercise, but I can’t call myself an exercise fanatic. During the healthbuzz tweet-up last week, we chatted about fitness trends. That’s what most people agreed on:

  1. Running is in.
  2. People are interested in eating right to fuel their exercise and improve their performance.
  3. Yoga is in.
  4. Dancing is in.
  5. People are inspired by reading fitness and exercise blogs. So, for those of you blog about your fitness experiences, thanks for sharing.

Yogurt is in:

Regular. Greek. Frozen. Yogurt is definitely a food that will stick around for long. As a dietitian. this trend makes me happy. There are so many health benefits from eating yogurt. I have even saw yogurt cheese recipes in various places, and I have featured it myself a while ago. Labaneh, the Middle Eastern name, is how I’ve always called it.

Clean eating is in:

I talked about detox diets. And while I do not endorse them, I think we all can take steps to make our food healthier and cleaner. We are looking at ingredient lists, running away from weird chemicals, buying local and/or organic, reading food politic books, demanding food safety, and asking to know where our food comes from.

We are better educated and more skeptical:

It’s true that health and nutrition information online is over abundant, but we are learning how to get info from reliable resources. We are looking for credentials. And we are looking for experience. And we questioning things we hear. Is agave really better than real sugar? Do spices and herbs help fight diseases? Is sea salt better than regular salt? Do we need to take antioxidant supplements? Will acai help with weight loss? These are just some of the topics I talked about this month and before. The links will take you to the original post if you want to read more.

We are cooking more at home:

We all agreed during the tweet up that healthy home cooking is probably the best and most important health trend of all. Maybe the economy is pushing us to save money and eat more at home. Maybe the fun and trendy cooking shows and competitions on the Food Network and other channels. Maybe we, food bloggers, are making a difference and inspiring others. Regardless, this is a great trend.

We are interested in new food ingredients and new eating habits:

What is new to someone might not be new to other people. But in general, we are venturing out into unfamiliar foods. We are learning how to cook with healthier not-traditional grains like quinoa, bulgur, and freekeh, and how to use olive oil. We are experimenting with vegetarian eating (no wonder Janel Ovrut‘s topic for last month was veganism) and meatless meals. Young coconuts, kombucha, wheatgrass are just some of many buzz foods.

If you want to keep up with food and health trends, Nutrition Unplugged is the best place to go. The author, Janet Helm, always has something new to offer. I highly recommend that you read it and follow her. Her latest post is about trendy ingredients and flavors. Can’t wait to try them all.

I hope you all enjoyed the topic of this month. I did! And thank you for all the support!

Have a great Monday 🙂


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A lot of time and money was wasted on foods that I thought would help my digestive struggles [diarrhea, bloating, hunger], but in fact I was making it worse. The main benefit is getting a handle on what negatively affects my digestive symptom. Doing a total 180 to my eating habits has been pretty amazing.

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