CLEAN 14 is Back — Feel the Difference in 14 Days

I’m excited to share information about the next CLEAN 14 challenge session. I’ve been getting many questions from people who were in the fall challenge who want to recommend it to friends and family, and from people who found out about CLEAN 14 in the midst of the holiday season.

Well, this is the time for eating clean and I’m excited to share the details with you.

Why eat clean?

Because you can’t afford not to. You have one body to live in. This body needs to help you think, take you to work, care for your family, have fun, travel, be happy, you name it. If you’re body is fatigued and your brain is foggy, you simply can’t enjoy life.

When does the challenge start?

January 20. The last day to sign up is Jan 15.

How long is the challenge?

14 days at minimum. What we found from the last session is that people–you–want more. The feedback was: ‘I hope it was a longer program.’ And we responded. Now you have the option (and what we recommend) to sign up for 28 days. In 14 days, you will feel the difference in your body as it cleans itself from toxins, but you really need a longer time to build and establish those habits that helped your body detox.

What results should I expect after this challenge?

  • More energy
  • Better sleep
  • Less sugar cravings
  • Improved immune system
  • Weight loss jump start
  • Improved mood
  • Consistent energy—no spikes or crashes
  • No more brain fog
  • Better concentration and focus
  • Higher productivity at work and home
  • Clearer skin
  • Improved Digestion

What will I eat?

We want to support you to remove common dietary sensitivity and inflammation triggers. We’re challenging you to feel the difference in your body after 14 days of eating clean foods. That means homemade meals from unprocessed ingredients, lots of vegetables, lean high quality protein, nuts, some fruits, and a small amount of beans and healthy grains. To lower the inflammatory load, you’ll be removing gluten (wheat, barely, rye), dairy, corn, soy, sugar, and yeast.

Learn how to identify the REAL causes of your gut problems.

Download My Free Guide.

I know that removing these foods seems impossible and leaves you with nothing to eat. I know that the average person eats bread, cheese, sandwiches, pasta, sugar, and processed foods made with a variety of corn and soy-based ingredients on daily basis. Fear not! We’ve designed a 14-day and 28-day menu with delicious recipes to help you breeze through the challenge. You just have to want to feel the difference. Here are 3 of the 28+ recipes we’ll be giving our participants!

recipe pics

What kind of support will I receive?

You will be receiving a daily email with nutrition, fitness and motivation tips. There will be 3 live online sessions (recorded for your convenience) with time for Q & A (5 sessions for the 28-day challenge). You’ll have breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes for 28 days. You’ll also have guides for grocery shopping, snacking, eating on-the-go, and choosing healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrate. We’ve been working hard so that it will be easy for you!


What previous clean eaters thought of CLEAN 14:

“I loved the recipes and how they were chock full of spices and easy. I found eating clean for the two weeks easy…compared to my worry beforehand. I lost weight and feel much better in my clothes! I learned so much from this program. I placed the printed information in a binder that I continue to use daily and will for days, weeks and maybe months or years to come. Thank you, Nour for this invaluable experience!”

Robin F., Northern Virginia

“Nour’s CLEAN 14 program is great! I especially liked the recipes. Very flavorful, and easy to fix. I’m not a great cook or fond of it, but I found that with her recipes, I cooked AND enjoyed it. I also savored my meals rather than eating mindlessly. Great use of webinars — especially the first one to get us started which was scheduled to allow time to plan meals before day one. I loved that I didn’t have to count calories, or calculate points on everything I ate. The lists (foods we could eat as much as we wanted and those we should limit to 2-3 times a week) were very helpful, as were the daily short articles.”

Susan K., Northern Virginia

“The chicken stew was wonderful. So good that my 13 year old asked for seconds! I added some of the kale at the very end. Definitely a recipe we will be making again and again!”

Cyndy H., Northern Virginia

“This program was great! I lost weight, my skin looks better, and I’m not as bloated. I definitely feel great overall. The recipes were delicious. Thank you for all the information”

Jennifer M., Michigan

last day to sign up Jan 2014

Learn how to identify the REAL causes of your gut problems.

Download My Free Guide.



All the menus, 28+ plus recipes, guides, daily emails, and live sessions are only for these two low prices:

  • 14 days: $49
  • 28 days: $98


We know you have a lot going on at any point in the month, in the year, and in your life. Make this the time to prioritize your health.

Your body deserves to feel great!

click here to sign up

Will you share this info with your friends and family? There’s power in numbers, and we really appreciate you sharing!


Nour’s guidance and expertise was the key to dramatically halting our son’s [Crohn’s] disease progression! His pediatric gastroenterologist is now in agreement of our choice to treat solely with diet and supplements. All his labs have improved and his inflammatory markers are so low they are practically nonexistent.

Before working with Nour, I experienced intestinal pain off and on for for 54 years with minimal success on medications. I have benefited 100% from Nour’s program as I am now pain free!

A lot of time and money was wasted on foods that I thought would help my digestive struggles [diarrhea, bloating, hunger], but in fact I was making it worse. The main benefit is getting a handle on what negatively affects my digestive symptom. Doing a total 180 to my eating habits has been pretty amazing.

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Learn how to identify the REAL CAUSES of your gut problems.

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