Child-Friendly Mini Frittatas

My dear son, Khaled, for the past two months, hasn’t been eating meat, chicken, or fish. While he loved fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy, he was missing on a whole food group. Meats (by meat I mean chicken and fish too) are an excellent source of protein, iron, and vitamin B12 (and omega-3’s from fish). Plus, I want my child to enjoy as many various food experiences as possible.

Iron is the most common nutrient to be deficient in toddlers. They are old enough to not eat or drink fortified formulas anymore, but still won’t eat a broad range of foods like older kids and adults. Read this question I answered on Little Stomaks about Getting Enough Iron on a Vegetarian Diet. Khaled’s hemoglobin a few months ago was fine and he doesn’t look tired or lacks energy, and that was assuring.

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Since I don’t believe in no forcing or bribing, I figured some creativity may not be a bad idea.

Mini-frittatas, with ground meat, veggies, and eggs. I didn’t add milk or cheese–he really eats and drinks enough dairy. If you want, you can add few tablespoons of milk, which will make the frittatas fluffy.

Here’s the recipe. Half the meat and vegetable mix can be frozen to use later. Hurray for pre-prepared meals in the freezer! I hope you and your child will like them.


  • Canola oil for sauteing vegetables, about 1-2 tbsp
  • 2 small white potatoes, peeled and chopped into small pieces
  • 1/2 lb lean ground meat (I use 5% fat)
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped into small pieces
  • 1 green zucchini, chopped into small pieces
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 tsp all spice
  • 4 eggs

Heat the oil in a saute pan. Stir in the potatoes and saute. Don’t add too much oil, this is not deep fat frying. Just a little to soften the potatoes and get their cooking started. Add the meat and cook until no pink is left.

Add the bell pepper, zucchini, and spices. Add a tablespoon of water if the vegetables are dry. Stir frequently so they won’t burn. Continue to cook until soft.

When soft, divide the meat and vegetables in half. Store one half in the freezer for later use. Place the other half in a medium size bowl, add the four eggs and stir until well mixed.

Pour the egg mixture in a pre-greased small muffin baking sheet (makes 12).

Bake at 350 until a toothpick comes out clean, about 15-20 minutes. Serve hot, warm, cold–any way you or your child likes!


Nour’s guidance and expertise was the key to dramatically halting our son’s [Crohn’s] disease progression! His pediatric gastroenterologist is now in agreement of our choice to treat solely with diet and supplements. All his labs have improved and his inflammatory markers are so low they are practically nonexistent.

Before working with Nour, I experienced intestinal pain off and on for for 54 years with minimal success on medications. I have benefited 100% from Nour’s program as I am now pain free!

A lot of time and money was wasted on foods that I thought would help my digestive struggles [diarrhea, bloating, hunger], but in fact I was making it worse. The main benefit is getting a handle on what negatively affects my digestive symptom. Doing a total 180 to my eating habits has been pretty amazing.