By guest blogger: Kati Mora
Breakfast has to be the hardest meal of the day. It requires us to get up earlier, eat when most of us are not even hungry, and not spill any food on the clothes we plan to wear to work.
Nevertheless, breakfast is important. We have all heard that it is the “most important meal of the day” and in fact it just may be.
Many studies have tried to examine whether or not a true benefit exists in eating breakfast daily. For those of us who typically skip breakfast, it almost seems hard to believe that eating MORE calories every day would lead to any type of benefit.
Research; however, shows that individuals who put in the effort to eat breakfast regularly are the ones who are more likely to achieve and maintain a healthy weight
Whether the initiative to get up and make breakfast, the routine of planning out 3 whole meals a day, or the composition of the breakfast plays the biggest role in weight loss is still not clear. My guess is that in order to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, all of these components must be in place. This is because losing weight and keeping it off takes a lot of work (initiative), goal setting (planning), and eating nutritiously (breakfast composition).
Learn how to identify the REAL causes of your gut problems.
Of course, I could go into detail about each of these practices; but, since my main area of interest is nutrition, let us focus on the eating nutritiously part.
What does eating nutritiously mean?
It means eating a wide variety of foods and—yes—this includes fruits and vegetables! Breakfast meals lend themselves nicely to both of these food groups. Fruits make a perfect addition to yogurt, cereal, waffle, or pancake and can be eaten individually. Vegetables make a great addition to scrambled eggs, egg sandwiches, and omelets. By adding just a few of these ingredients to your breakfast staples, you can add fiber (also shown to benefit weight loss) to your daily diet and many vitamins and minerals your body needs to function throughout the day. It is a small change, but can add a real punch.
If your goal this year is to achieve and/or maintain a healthy weight, eat some breakfast!
I recommend a bowl of cereal topped with fresh fruit; it’s filling, nutritious, and easy to prepare. And unless you are really messy, your clothes should even remain food-free.
Learn how to identify the REAL causes of your gut problems.
Need help picking out a nutritious cereal to pair up with your fresh fruit? Check out this post previously featured here on Nour’s blog.
The Girl Behind the Plate,
Kati Mora is currently a dietetic intern and Master’s Degree student at Central Michigan University. She is also the chief blogger at “Around the Plate,” a nutrition-focused blog that features Registered Dietitians from across the country as well as personal nutrition insights and recipes.