Recipe: Hummus Casserole–Fattet Hummus

This casserole dish is a favorite in the Middle East. Between Jordan, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon, variations exist. For example, you will find recipes that add ground meat on the top and others don’t, the type of bread used may differ, and some recipes call for labaneh instead of yogurt.

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Regardless, fattet hummus, a hummus casserole, is enjoyed as breakfast food, a side dish at large gatherings, or part of a buffet. The trick is to assemble right before serving. In concept, it is similar to a previous recipe I posted called fattet magdoos (eggplant casserole) at Chow and Chatter.

Friday and Saturday are the weekend days here in Jordan, and my dad just made this for breakfast. It’s one of his specialties. And he does it really well! He doesn’t measure anything, so I tried to estimate the portions. You can’t go wrong if you add more or less of any ingredient. Use your judgment and your taste buds to get it to the perfection that suits you!

The recipe serves 8 to 10 people. But you don’t have to wait for a big crowd to enjoy this dish. Cut the portions in half or even make individual bowls based on the ingredients. It’s perfect for a Meatless Monday lunch or dinner. My son already had an early breakfast, so he didn’t eat from it, but I have a feeling he’ll be having it for lunch.


  • 4 pita breads, toasted (whole wheat is healthier, just make sure it dries)
  • 600 g plain (original) hummus, about 2 to 2-1/2 c, divided in half–either buy ready hummus or check this hummus recipe I posted before
  • 4 c garbanzo beans, divided in half
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • juice of 2-3 lemons, divided in half
  • 1 tsp salt, divided in halt
  • 1 c plain yogurt, divided in half
  • ¼ c tahini, divided in half
  • ½ c chopped parsley
  • Olive oil, drizzle
  • ¼ c pine nuts, toasted or pan fried with olive oil

To toast the bread, place in an oven for about 15 minutes at 350 F. You can even toast them a week before you make this dish while you bake something else and then store the toasted bread in an zip lock bag.

Break the bread into large pieces, about 2×2 inches. Place in a 9×13 casserole dish. Add the garlic, half the hummus, garbanzo beans, yogurt, and tahini, lemon and salt. Mix well until bread is soft. You may need to add few tablespoons of water to be able to mix.

Combine the other half of hummus, yogurt, tahini, lemon, and salt in a separate bowl. Mix well then spread over the bread mixture.

Decorate with the remaining garbanzo beans, parsley, olive oil, and pine nuts.

Specialty dish:

Is there something you–or a friend or family member–are famous for? What is it? If you have it posted somewhere, share the link!

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4 thoughts on “Recipe: Hummus Casserole–Fattet Hummus”

  1. This looks wonderful! I’m wondering if using soy sour cream (I can’t find plain soy yogurt where I live) would work. This would be a wonderful meal for me to take in my lunchbox.

    1. Nour El-Zibdeh, RD

      Hi Jen,
      Thank you for stopping by. I’ve never made it with sour cream. My guess is that it could work, but the taste might be different. If you end up trying it, please let me know how it goes!

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